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We appreciate your interest in supporting the Karate Can-Do! Foundation. 


Donations can be made on behalf of an athlete, or in honor or memory of a loved one. We will send an acknowledgment of your gift to the person you designate.

For people with special needs, your donation will...

  • support, encourage and promote the addition of karate to therapeutic programs 

  • offer scholarships to support karate training

  • assist with the purchase of specialized equipment 

  • facilitate or promote medical research of medical treatments and adaptive equipment

  • support training, recruitment and cover tournament costs for a US National Disabled Karate Team

The Karate Can-Do Foundation is an Illinois non-profit corporation, recognized as a 501(c)(3) charity (FEIN 26-3818604). All contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.


Shop on AMAZON? Silly question. WHO DOESN'T!

Spread the word this holiday season. Shopping on #Amazon helps raise funds for #KarateCanDo #Foundation! Go to and search for Karate Can-Do Foundation. Select it as your charity. Every time you shop on Amazon, start at and it will automatically share a portion of what you buy with us!

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